Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Prayers please...

[Monday, October 12, 2009 ~ I've had some requests to begin a Care Pages site, but decided to put my updates on our Mother-Daughter Blog instead. Some of you knew about the "simple bladder infection" last Tues and some of you were just hit with Tiffani's prayer request email this morning. At this time, Tiffani is able to help upload to the blog. I'm backing information into the correct dates, so those of you who want it, can have the full picture.]

What began yesterday (Oct 6) as a "simple" bladder issue, today moved into my kidneys. Including sharp pain just to the right of my navel. Today, I declared without thinking too much about it, "I feel like I've been poisoned."

I'm very "in tune" with my body. No medications (prescription or OTC) in this body for 17+ years, except a most-necessary numbing agent for teeth work. So I know when my body is not right.

Jeff adjusted me several times during the day, each time a different place is subluxated. Something is moving around my body. Reflexology eases the pain as well. I took my herbal cleansers for kidney/bladder and think all will be resolved in the next day or so.

Psalm 59: 16
But as for me, I shall sing of Your strength;
Yes, I shall joyfully sing of Your lovingkindness in the morning,
For You have been my stronghold
And a refuge in the day of my distress.

Aren't those beautiful words??

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