Monday, October 12, 2009

Day 7 - My Day of Rest

Today has been pretty uneventful...

O2 Therapy this morning set the stage for no headaches...just an occasional stab at the right side of my head.

We've researched some natural toxicity-ridding therapies. And thought we'd found a place in Rancho Mirage, but for 3 days they have not returned phone calls.

The next closest place is in Riverside...Jeff made an appointment (prayer answered!) at noon tomorrow with the Riverside practitioner. Please pray for travel mercies...hopefully we will not have much traffic.

My concerns now:
- That I will be able to eat & walk more to gain strength and lose this occasional light-headedness.
- That I will be fully healed no later than Wednesday. Our God is an awesome God! [Jeff leaves for the midwest on Thursday afternoon. I need his hands!]
- We have some previously-scheduled Family Time beginning Sunday through Thursday. Special, already-paid-for, non-refundable things. They are a secret to Tiffani, so I can't write them. Jeff and I thought it was important to have some Family Time away before his calendar fills up for the season. I don't want to be the reason this Family Time doesn't happen.

I am so sad that the DCHEA MNO had to be canceled tonight and it was such late notice. I think we all just kept thinking, I must be better by tonight. I look forward to our Welcome Back Tea in November.

Thank you, Angie, for setting up meals for a couple weeks. I could see the look of relief in Tiffani's face today when she told me. :-) Tiffani's always a such a sweet helper, but this past week stretched her a bit...keeping up with outside studies that couldn't be put on hold and taking care of minor housework and meals. Returning calls and urgent emails.

Thank you, Lauren, for bringing dinner to us tonight...Jeff and Tiffani enjoyed their Olive Garden faves. And thank you, Kristi for checking in on me and seeing how our CBS group could help...I'm so sad to be missing our study group.

It's 6:49 PM and I can breathe...all is well. :-) No intense pain to report anywhere. Just a general achiness from lying in bed a lot. Felt more hungry this evening...hoping my energy will increase with the calories.

Tiffani sent out the following Prayer Request & Praise Report for me tearlier this morning:

Specific Prayers for my mom:
- That the oxygen therapy will continue to work. Her headaches have just about disappeared after her treatments yesterday and this morning. Sometimes she has a shooting pain near her right temple.
- Stuff is coming out of her lungs. Pray that it all comes out.
- Increased appetite. She's lost weight and only weighs 107.
- God's perfect timing in getting an appointment for a treatment that will get rid of more of the toxicity.
- Physical strength. She's very weak.

- All organs have calmed down.
- Breathing is getting easier.
- She says she loves chiropractic! Daddy adjusts her throughout the day and there is always relief.

Thank you.

P.S. She told me to tell you that all of your emails and phone messages really lift her spirits. She cries every time she listens or I read one to her. She's going to try and get on her email later this afternoon. SHE'S SO SAD THAT SHE CAN'T HOST MNO TONIGHT.

1 comment:

Gina MacConnell said...


Lifting up tonight and just wrapping my arms around your shoulders...I pray for peaceful dreams and uninterrupted sleep...Bless you, Sister.
