Monday, September 13, 2010

Traci's Office & Tiffani's Studio

This room is just a beautiful space in which we can be creative...we couldn't have asked for anything better. Fragrant air flows from the open Den windows in the back of the house. We have gorgeous natural light all day long. And plenty of empty floor space allows us to maneuver easily around.

We love our old Lazy-Boy rocker. We bought it when I was pregnant with Tiffani and we've spent many cozy hours rocking in this chair...feeding, reading, bonding,'s a "perfect fit" for OUR room.

So thankful for all the built-in storage. We haven't even filled it up...yet!

Here's my office space...plenty of room for my desk, files and bookcases. I'm missing a shelf...Tiff needs it in her room for another couple weeks until she gets her new bedroom set.

A close-up look at Tiff's Studio space. Our big glass table is dwarfed in this took up so much space at the last house. So glad it works well's perfect for big the 1000-piece puzzles we enjoy so much!

The principle goal of education
is to create men who are capable of doing new things,
not simply of repeating what other generations have done -
men who are creative, inventive and discoverers.
~Jean Piaget

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just saw your blog, love the pictures. I feel like I have already been to your home now.:)
Loved the cacti at the beach, that is too funny!! You cannot escape the desert!!
Love you
Dani :)