Friday, September 10, 2010

Tiffani & her Studio

Tiffani and I are sharing the upstairs "bonus room" with gorgeous light that pours in throughout the day. Here she is...typing away in her "studio." She's all set up with her rolltop storage, sewing machine, and a large glass table that divides our spaces. She loves her "little corner of the world," as she calls it!


Anonymous said...

My Dearest Princess Tiffani-Joi,

Your "Little Corner of the World" looks
perfect for all your talents!!!

I am so looking forward to being with my U.S. family in the near future; relaxing in your new "home" along with seeing the area. Very exciting!!!

Also,looking forward to you visiting me in my Welland apt. You will again have your own bedroom - please pop in for a
visit whenever you care to jet here.

I Love You More,
P.S.: Amazing how we all moved at the same time... God's perfect timing...

Sierra Mackenzie said...

I love your little corner of the world, Tiffani:) And it was so neat to be able to sew in there with you <3 Xoxo