Saturday, September 11, 2010

Roses and Miss Fannie's Hat

So excited to have 5 rose bushes in the backyard...a far cry from my 40+ bushes, but I've already been fixing them up. Between itty bitty critters munching on their leaves and some long, tangled branches, they were in need of some serious care. They'll be back in shape in no time.

Here are a few blooms...and after the rest blossom, I'll be able to prune them back properly.

I'm so blessed to have been taught to prune from a master...Nana Jo was the sweetest lady you'd ever want to meet and she loved her roses...she loved growing them and giving them. And we rarely saw her without one of her beautiful hats.

Nana Jo always reminded Tiffani & me of Miss Fannie in the children's book, Miss Fannie's Hat ~ author Jan Karon. If you haven't read it, read it! It will bring joy to your heart...just like Nana Jo did to ours until she went home to our heavenly Father about 10 years ago.

1 comment:

Kathy Collard Miller said...

Your new place looks absolutely fabulous. I'm so happy for you all!