Friday, October 16, 2009

Day 11 - Fruit and Flowers

7:20 AM ~ A brand new day...a day of new possibilities. :-)

I woke up praying for the woman who shocked me with the message she left on my cell phone yesterday. It dawned on me that it's probably just her nature...some people are just more empathetic than others.

God is so good to have always pressed His message from 1 Corinthians 13 on my heart...Love keeps no record of I'm blessed this morning to move forward in love and joy. And I pray that I meet this woman in-person someday (I don't know her, nor have I ever met, seen or spoken with her) and give her a hug. Because I'm a hugger. :-)

And it's a good lesson for all of us in addressing someone who is ill. We better pray for the fruit of the Spirit to overflow out of us before our encounter with them OR before leaving them a phone message, because an ill person needs our: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control (Gal 5:22-23). They don't need to be told a list of things they already know. They don't care about our agenda. They are caught in their own little world of hurt and healing for a while. They need to know that you are concerned for them...and that you love them. That is all. So simple.

And onto Flowers...I forgot to mention the beautiful flowers I received on Tuesday! I have them both on my bedside table.
The first to come in are from Leslie...pretty little purple flowers. They have a name (campanula get mee), but I just call them "my purple flowers." I love all purple flowers...they always catch my eye and cheer me up. There are lots of perfect little flowers on each stem and the stems are "wild" ~ shooting everywhich way out of the little container. I love them! They make me think Life and Vibrant Health.
The other flowers came in with dinner from Marny on Tuesday night. She told Tiffani she was hoping they'd be "Birthday flowers and not Get Well flowers." I love them, Marny, for any occasion. :-) They are little pink roses...2 in full bloom, 2 waiting for the perfect moment to burst forth with blossom and fragrance. The 2 that are open smell delicious. The petals are soft and their green leaves lush. They remind me to relax. Stop and smell the roses...

This morning's Prayer Request:
1. That driving again will be no issue. I know I have plenty of help getting Tiffani where she needs to go today, but I'm going to drop her off at CoOp classes, because I have to go to my Treatment appointment right after anyway.
2. My largest request...Please begin praying for Tiffani's CHSPE test tomorrow. She only needs to take the math section to pass. And I've been a huge burden to her these 2 weeks leading up to this test. Interrupting study time, etc. Lord, I pray that you will cover any question she encounters that would have been studied for had she not been attending to me. A friend also mentioned the stress of knowing an ill mother is waiting for while she is taking the test on top of general test stress will need to be overcome...she said she knows from her own experience. So I pray for His guidance and wisdom over Tiffani...she'll be sitting for the test at 8:30 AM.

I'm feeling well this morning...I'd say about 50%. Breathing is good. Still pulling thin, slippery stuff from my lungs. Brain seems clear. Will update after my treatments today.

Q. Have you been running a fever?

A. I was until a couple days ago. Between 100.5 and 102.2. My temperature was normal yesterday when I checked. Haven't checked today.

7:32 PM ~

Treatments went great today! Marilyn is wonderful.

1. Cell Energy Therapy - Reaction: Again, didn't physically feel a lot with this one. Today, I felt a pulsing a few times around the area of my right foot injury last April.

2. Infrared Sauna - Reaction: I was in the sauna for 45 minutes. The temperature hovered between 140 and 145 F over the 45 minutes. Marilyn checked on me throughout this time. Again the warmth felt beautiful to me. I barely perspired the last time. This time, I was excreting some toxins. :-) Still not a full-sweat, but I'm working up to that.

3. Sea-Ionic Footbath - Reaction: By the end, my water was about the same color as last time indicating the same things are still being released from my body, but there was a noticeable decrease in the amount of debris. The stench was worse today...more chemicals.

I left feeling relaxed and about 65%, as the day has gone along and I've continue to drink my special water with minerals, and eat, I'd say at this time, I'm at least 75% Yippee!!

A big thank you for another great dinner! DeLora you are so sweet. I think you're the only one I've actually seen during a meal drop, so that was really special. And just so you know, Tiffani had seconds. :-) I loved the spinach salad...I personally can't use dressing right now, but it was delicious with the sweet strawberries and almonds.

I thank God for all of you. I really can't find the words to thank all of you enough for seeing my family and me through all of this with your prayers, encouragement, and practical help. I pray that you are all happy and healthy.

Much love...Traci :-)

1 comment:

Sherrill said...

I have been praying for yor healing. I glad to see it improving! It seems that you have had a good amount of help offered, but please call me, if you need anything! Groceries, rides, etc.
With love,