Friday, October 9, 2009

Day 4

Looking have gotten through this day was a huge blessing...

Bladder/Kidney pain completely gone. Difficulty breathing and abdominal pain were the issues today. Good news...abdominal pain now on the left side! No appendix worries.

At 12:30 PM, the pain was so bad and I needed prayer! I writhe in bed, grab my cell phone and text Jeff, Leslie and Lyndi: Horrible pain pls pray Left side

Jeff came in from the casita (his office) and started reflexology, because I wouldn't get out of bed. I realized whether I wanted to or not, I'd better get my tummy down on that adjustment table. So thankful I did. Two vertebra in my lower back were incredibly subluxated. I returned to bed with relief enough to fall asleep. Two hours later I had no stabbing pain, only pressure.

I got through most of the afternoon without a lot of pain. I continue to take herbal cleansers. Then the evening hits and it all comes back a wave. Adjustments and reflexology until I fall asleep...

Thank you, Debbi, for sending your natural gallbladder cleansing recipe.

***Thank you to Leslie & Yvonne, who helped get Tiffani where she needed to be today. That's the worst thing about being down ~ not being available for your family.

[I know some of you reading this are wondering why I just didn't take a pain killer. Simply because I believe it's important not to cover up symptoms. And putting a toxic substance into my body is not my idea of creating health. I do have an herbal formula for pain that I've been using on occasion.]

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