Friday, October 23, 2009

Day 18 - "Let It Go"

7:26 PM ~ Treatments went great this morning!

1. Cell Energy Therapy - Reaction: Today, I felt a brief pain around my liver. And I watched a video on what this therapy does to increase circulation in the body, as well as "unstick" red blood cells and create an environment for the white blood cells to communicate better with the body. What amazing technology!

2. Infrared Sauna - Reaction: The temperature hovered between 140 and 145 F over the 45 minutes. I love sitting in's the one time during the day when I can breathe with no problems. And I sweat more today than I've ever sweat in my life! Yeah! Toxins are breaking through!

3. Sea-Ionic Footbath - Reaction: My water was a lighter orange today and less debris was released. The noticeable difference today was that there was no smell. Another Yeah! I left feeling rejuvenated and with a brighter outlook than I've had for the past 2 weeks.

I'd say at this time, I'm about 80%, maybe even close to 85%. Yippee!! I can breathe almost normally. And even take some deep breaths with no repercussions. No O2 Therapy today.

I had the blessing of a visit from one of my wisest friends and sisters this afternoon...thank you, Lyndi for sharing tea with me. She let me chat away. Part of this healing process is about "letting go" of stuff that my flesh still wants to take care of, but God is saying to "let it go." The more I spoke today with Lyndi, the more I was able to just "let go and let God." The Lord has seen me through this far and will be with me all the way. I pray that I can be obedient and let go of every person/entity by whom I've been wronged in this brief journey. Every day I get closer, today is my closest day of all to "keeping no record of wrongs." I don't care to be bitter. And I've learned sooooooo much through this experience that I can share with others!

Genesis 50:20 has continually come to mind over the past week or so:
20 "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive."
[To clarify my thoughts in regard to this verse...I solely reference the enemy. I don't believe for a moment that any person/entity "meant evil against me."]

Thank you, Barb and Kaleigh for stopping by with one of our favorite dinners! Wild salmon with rice and roasted peppers/onions. And such a special treat for you to share your Canadian tomatoes in that delicious salad. Can't forget the Rice Krispie Treats for dessert! So glad you were able to stay a few minutes. It was a very good day for me. Hope we're able to get out there and hike with you very soon.

Thank you, Leslie, for taking Tiffani to Chemistry today, feeding her (lunch), and for fruit from TJ's. And Bethany G., thank you for getting her home safely.

Prayer Requests:
- That I will continue to breathe normally without labor.
- That I will remember all the little things I need to do throughout the day to further my progress.

- Jeff had a successful speaking engagement in Chicago and his flight today to Dallas was uneventful...he arrived safe and sound.

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