Saturday, August 2, 2008

Cell Phone Surprise!

Sometimes Mother-Daughter Outings include going out to buy special things!

How fun was this day?! Tiffani had asked now and again when she'd be able to have to her own cell phone. I never like giving "ages," so I told her, "when you need one."

We decided she "needed one" when neither the mother nor I could reach her one day at a home where she was babysitting. (It turns out that their house phone had been forwarded and the kids never even heard the home phone ring.)

Jeff and I decided to let her know she could pick one out as a Christmas gift last year. That's her "surprised and shocked" face in the picture above.

A few days later we were off to the phone store to put her on the Family Plan. All new territory for us as parents, since these things didn't exist when we were her age!

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