Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Settling In...

Can't believe we've been here over a week already! I didn't quite get unpacked as quickly as my inspiration, Bethany. LOL! But we are completely unpacked as of today and should have everything where we want it by the end of the weekend. Woo woo!!

We are all truly amazed at how quickly this "house" became our "home." Each room is perfect for our lifestyle and there is no wasted space. A true blessing!

Wiggles checking out a cupboard...

Tiffani in the backyard...

Tea table ready for action!

Back at the BBQ! We've BBQ'd every night now, but two.

Here's the other side of our backyard...our extended backyard is Peter's Canyon. So much wildlife back there. No roadrunners! BUT we have rabbits, squirrels, another larger critter (opposum?? need my binoculars), and different types of birds. Saw our first hummingbird the other day too!

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