Saturday, December 5, 2009

Hymn/Carol Sing & Roasted Marshmallows

Clay, Justin & Andrew

Sarah, Carrie & Tiffani

Sarah & Tiffani

Carrie, Grace-Hope, Sierra & Alexandrea

Tiffani and some of her friends spent a chilly evening around a fire pit roasting marshmallows, drinking hot chocolate, and singing hymns and carols of Christmas.
The parents stayed inside where it was warm! Hee hee!! We could hear their singing though and it was beautiful!


Anonymous said...

oh...we miss you all. That was at the Martin's wasn't it?
Oh you are all so special.
Christmas blessings.
Deborah and family

Traci 'n Tiffani said...

Yes! We were at the Martin's home. It was a beautiful evening. :-) Looking forward to your CA visit in the spring! God bless your family in beautiful B.C.!